Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati


Harnessing the Power of Cultural Exchange Between Cincinnati & Japan

The Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati is a 501(c)(3) organization established in 1988. Our mission is building friendship between the United States and Japan in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.

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Happening Now

古本市 – Japanese Book Sale September 28th!

古本市 – Japanese Book Sale September 28th!

Northern Kentucky University Louie B Nunn Dr. Highland Heights, KY NKU ユニバーシティセンター 3階 シンシナティ日本語補習校は、NKUの校舎を借りています 日本の本が沢山あるよ! 日本の書籍/雑誌/DVDなどを販売致します(書籍=1ドル、DVD/CD=1ドル) ※一部対象外有り お支払いは現金のみです。お釣りのないようご協力願います。エコバックをお持ちください 駐車場のご案内 古本市のお客様は立体駐車場(有料)をご利用ください。...

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JASGC Hosts Successful Summer Happy Hour at Big Ash Brewing

JASGC Hosts Successful Summer Happy Hour at Big Ash Brewing

On June 6th, over 50 members of the Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati (JASGC) gathered for a Summer Happy Hour at Big Ash Brewing. This exclusive event provided a great opportunity for networking and relaxation in the inviting atmosphere of Big Ash Brewing....

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