What’s the purpose of the map?
The map displays the names and locations of 145 + Japanese-owned companies in Greater Cincinnati. This is important information for companies and individuals thinking of locating here and for economic development organizations.
The updated map is color-coded by industry to help members of our local Japan-America business community connect with and do business with each other more easily.
Greater Cincinnati Region
0% Taxes
0% 免税
Taxes on corporate income, inventory, out-of-state sale, new machinery and equipment, profit, and franchise taxes in Ohio.
Lower Operating Costs
#1 lowest business operating costs of all U.S. metropolitan areas with populations of two million or more.
ビジネスコストの低さで、全米の人口200万人 以上の都市部ランキング第1位
Brightest Talent at the Best Cost
Diverse workforce of 1.5 million at competitive wages that match the low cost of living
Benefits to Importers
- Faster Processing 関税の節約
- Tariff Savings 迅速な税関審査
- Customs Clearance 通関手続き
Access to Customers
- 2.2 million population—30th largest MSA/region in the United States
- 24 major metro markets located within 1,000 kilometers
- 66% of the nation’s markets and 52% of U.S. manufacturing within 1,000 kilometers
Access to Customers
- 2.2 million population—30th largest MSA/region in the United States
- 24 major metro markets located within 1,000 kilometers
- 66% of the nation’s markets and 52% of U.S. manufacturing within 1,000 kilometers
Strong Corporate Presence / Company Headquarters
- 6 FortuneTM 500 company headquarters in the region including Kroger (ranked 23) and Procter & Gamble (ranked 50)
- Over 1,000 companies engaged in international trade in the region
Strong Corporate Presence / Company Headquarters
- 6 FortuneTM 500 company headquarters in the region including Kroger (ranked 23) and Procter & Gamble (ranked 50)
- Over 1,000 companies engaged in international trade in the region
Talent Pipeline
- 300 colleges with more than 1 million students within 325 kilometers
- 14 colleges, universities and professional schools located within 50 kilometers
- A workforce of more than 1.1 million within 80 kilometers of the city center
Talent Pipeline
- 300 colleges with more than 1 million students within 325 kilometers
- 14 colleges, universities and professional schools located within 50 kilometers
- A workforce of more than 1.1 million within 80 kilometers of the city center
Affordable Lifestyle
Cost of Living Index
U.S.: 100 | Cincinnati MSA: 93.7 (6.3% below national average)
Source: COLI, 2019 Annual Average
Medium Housing Cost
National: $291,300 | Cincinnati: $203,500 Source: National Association of REALTORS Q2 2020
Average Commute Time
24 Minutes
Organizations that Support Japanese Companies
Greater Cincinnati is home to several Japan-related non-profit organizations that serve the local Japan-America community.
- Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati (JASGC)
- Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
- Japanese Language School of Greater Cincinnati (JLS)
- Japan Research Center of Greater Cincinnati (JRCGC)
Organizations that Support Japanese Companies
Greater Cincinnati is home to several Japan-related non-profit organizations that serve the local Japan-America community.
- Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati (JASGC)
- Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
- Japanese Language School of Greater Cincinnati (JLS)
- Japan Research Center of Greater Cincinnati (JRCGC)
Map and brochure sponsored by:
Special thanks to MUFG for providing additional data, and to PwC and the Japan Desk at Frost Brown Todd for providing editing support.
This map and physcial PDF was designed by a local marketing company (and JASGC member) Susan Morgan. The website page was created Sedr Studio.
The Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati wishes to extend its sincere appreciation to all of the organizations and individuals that supported this important project.
Do you have feedback on the brochure or questions? Contact us!